BC's Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute

ACHD-125 - Community Health and Development - 3.00 Credits

ACHD-125 - Community Health and Development - 3.00 Credits

Course Details
This course is an introduction to the study of Aboriginal community and health development. Students will examine the process of colonialism and systemic factors that influence Aboriginal health and well-being. The interaction between the individual, family and community as it influences health and development of Aboriginal communities will be studied within a holistic framework. Students will learn positive ways of analyzing historical experiences through the use of the wellness wheel and geneograms. Students will study cultural and traditional ethics and practice for healthy communication. This course will address the legacy of physical and sexual abuse in residential schools, including the intergenerational impacts by providing students with the opportunity to explore the impacts of colonization and residential schools, including the many forms of abuse, on their own family systems.
Part of the:
  • Available/Required in the following Programs:
  • Aboriginal Community & Health Development Certificate - Aboriginal Community and Health Certificate
  • Prerequisites : Program admission or permission of the Dean
    Course Outline
    Instructors Qualifications: Relevant Master's Degree.
    Office Hours: 1.5 per week.
    Contact Hours: 45
    Student Evaluation
    Assignments 50 - 70%, Final 30 - 50%, Total 100 %. Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
    Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:
  • define the process of colonization;

  • describe systemic factors that have impacted the health and development of Aboriginal families and communities;

  • use a geneogram as a visual representation of the family system;

  • identify the effects of colonialism as it has impacted upon community life;

  • explain the traditional basis for ethical conduct in family relationships;

  • practice healthy communication within the health field;

  • describe the interconnectedness between community and health development;

  • describe the major historical influences on contemporary Aboriginal community development as related to health;

  • summarize the characteristics of rural communities and distinguish them from urban communities;

  • describe role(s) of the community health developer in processes of community development and change;

  • describe, analyze, and evaluate issues in contemporary community health development;

  • propose an effective intervention strategy in relation to a community need; and

  • apply critical thinking skills, clarity and accuracy to written and oral assignments.
  • Text and Materials:
  • Brooks-Fisher, Jodi & Reagan, Patricia A. (2002) Community health in the 21st century. 2nd edition. Michigan: Benjamin Cummings.
  • Other Resources:
  • As per Instructor
  • .
    Transfer Credits: For more information visit: www.bctransferguide.ca
    Other Information: Education Council approved August 2004.