B.2.13 Consenting Relationships
Approved/revised: October 1, 2018
PURSUANT TO NVIT Policy C.1.10 Sexual Violence
Human Resources
As an institution, the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT) discourages the formation of all physically intimate relationships between NVIT staff and students participating in NVIT courses/programs.
NVIT regards the formation of intimate relationships between an employee and an NVIT student enrolled in a course/program as inappropriate and unethical. In the event that a student and NVIT employee have an existing relationship, the NVIT employee will disclose this relationship as per Item 1 below. Intimate relationships between NVIT employees and NVIT students undermine the integrity of the teaching and learning environment and run the risk of potential power imbalances that may compromise consensual intimacy. Intimate relationships between NVIT employees and NVIT students can also lead to questions regarding the integrity of academic success for students involved in such relationships.
As consenting adults, there may be situations where intimate relationships may arise. In the event of such an occurrence, the employee will:
1. Inform the President in writing;
2. Remove oneself from conflict or perceived conflict of interest;
The onus is on the NVIT employee to disclose such relationship; and the consequences of non-disclosure resulting in a complaint can be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
NVIT will take the necessary steps to ensure that the institution’s integrity, values, mandates and business policies and practices are adhered to. This policy is reflective of a proactive response to incidents occurring on or off campus, with NVIT Affiliates, and Indigenous Adult and Higher Learning Association Institutes affiliated with NVIT. NVIT’s position on Employee Sexual Misconduct/non-disclosed Consensual Relations is “no Tolerance”.
This policy works in conjunction with other institutional policies including, but not limited to:
· B.2.8 Conflict of Interest
· Personnel: Code of Conduct
· C.1.10 Sexual Violence
Where there is a complaint, Policy C.1.10 Sexual Violence will be used.