B.3.2 Operation of NVIT Vehicles
Approved/revised: March 23, 2021
The Nicola Valley Institute of Technology seeks to encourage and sustain an academic environment that both respects individual freedom and promotes the health, safety and welfare of all members of the community. The following shall apply to vehicles owned and/or operated by NVIT, its employees, volunteers and students.
1. In keeping with the objectives of NVIT, the distribution or consumption of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages is not permitted in any vehicle owned, operated or controlled by the Institution.
2. The Manager of Facilities shall check all drivers’ licenses and request a photocopy of such license before using NVIT vehicles and will be kept on file.
3. Any driving violations and/or convictions while using the NVIT vehicles must be reported to the Manager of Facilities within 15 days of the offense or conviction.
4. All employees who operate NVIT vehicles must provide an updated driver's abstract on a yearly basis.
* Taken from the National Safety Code.