Please use this form to report any concerning or disruptive behaviour by a UFV employee, student or community member. Your report is confidential and will be routed to the most appropriate person/office upon receipt.
After your report is submitted, a staff member in the Office of Student Life & Development will review it and be in touch to describe next steps and/or to clarify or gather more information.
Please be aware that we do not accept anonymous reports, and false reports may be subject to disciplinary action. Please note that this form is for reporting alleged violations of UFV policy only. If you are reporting alleged criminal activity, also please make a report to the police of local jurisdiction.
If this is an emergency, please call 9-1-1
If this is an emergency, please call 9-1-1.
At this initial stage of the process, it is important to collect information about you as thecomplainant/reporting party.
We have the utmost respect for your right to privacy, and we have to let you know, that while this report is confidential, an investigation may result, and if that occurs, the person(s) involved will have the right to know your identity.
We understand you may not wish to identify yourself using this form. If this is the case, please contact the Student Life & Development Office at 604-557-4092 or Safety, Security, and Emergency Management at 1-855-239-7654, or if on campus, at extension 7654.
For more information, please feel free to directly contact the Director of Student Life & Development, Kyle Baillie.
Please provide as much information as possible on the person allegedly involved in this incident or behaviour. If you are reporting a disclosure of sexual violence and the complainant requests anonymity, please leave the name blank.
If there is more than one person involved, please use this section. You can also use the incident/behaviour description to add more information.
In this section you will have the opportunity to describe the behaviours you are making a complaint/report about.
Please let us know if we can provide your contact information to any of the services below to provide support. Check as many as apply.