BC's Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute

NVIT Welcomes Learners Back to Campus

NICOLA VALLEY – The Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT) welcomed learners back to both their Merritt and Vancouver campuses on the morning of Tuesday, September 8th 2020. Due to the global pandemic, NVIT has implemented a hybrid learning environment where learners have the option to participate either in class or virtually in many of their courses and programs. “It was an excellent start to the new Academic Year” said President Ken Tourand, “the students were excited, our faculty and staff are excited and it was nice to have our learners back on campus.”

NVIT has provided every learner with an orientation kit that includes a medicine bag from the NVIT Elders Council, an NVIT mask and a USB. NVIT Elders have been provided with an IPad and are available virtually at both campuses. NVIT classrooms have seen a significant investment in technology that allows faculty to participate in the hybrid learning environment.

Because of the ever-changing COVID-19 context, advice from health authorities and post-secondary institutions will also change over time. For the first day of classes, NVIT has released the following health recommendations.

  • NON-MEDICAL MASKS: To support the health and safety of faculty, staff and learners, NVIT is strongly recommending that non-medical masks be worn in all indoor common areas on all campuses. Common areas include building entry-ways, classrooms, labs, shops, washrooms, study areas, hallways and stairwells. The wearing of non-medical masks is recommended by the BC Centre for Dis-ease Control, the Provincial Health Officer and the Public Health Agency of Canada to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in instances where physical dis-tancing cannot be consistently maintained.
  • INFLUENZA: NVIT is encouraging everyone in the NVIT community to follow public health advice and we strongly recommend getting an influenza shot. In-creasing flu vaccination rates can help reduce the overall impact of respiratory illnesses on post-secondary campuses.
  • SOCIAL DISTANCE: NVIT has taken significant steps on campus to promote social distancing. Signage, directional arrows, together with sanitizer, hand wipes, sneeze guards and other PPE have all been provided to keep our campuses safe. Please remember to socially distance.
    NVIT is committed to the safety of our learners and employees. We are thrilled to once again have our learners on campus and we are asking everyone to do their part to keep COVID-19 outside the NVIT bubble.

For more information, please contact:

President/CEO Ken Tourand