Approved/revised: June 13, 2023
A. The powers and duties of the Board shall be as determined by the College and Institute Act.
B. The Board and the Education Council shall govern the affairs of the Institute. The powers and membership of each body shall be as required by the College and Institute Act.
C. Board Composition:
(1) The NVIT Board is composed of:
(a) Eight or more persons appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
(b) one person from the instructional staff elected by instructional staff members;
(c) two students elected by the students;
(d) one person from the support staff, elected by the support staff;
(e) the President;
(f) the Chair of the Education Council.
Except for the President and the Chair of the Education Council, each Board member in attendance will have one vote at all meetings of the Board.
(2) Board vacancies will be publicly posted.
- Using the competency skills matrix, the NVIT Board or Board Executive Committee will determine suitable Indigenous candidates for the Board and will submit those to the government.
- The nomination of Board members will be structured to reflect the provincial mandate of the institution while maintaining a connection to its founding bands.
- In addition to using a publicly posted nomination process, the institution’s “founding communities” will be provided with the opportunity to nominate candidates to fill two seats on the Board.
- The remaining seats will be publicly posted for Indigenous “members-at-large” when vacant, with nominees able to be drawn from anywhere in British Columbia, including the Nicola Valley.
D. At the first meeting of the Board following the appointment or election of a Board member, the new Board member will affirm, sign and date the following Oath of Office:
"I, , sincerely promise and affirm that I will truly, faithfully and impartially, to the best of my ability, execute the duties and responsibilities of my position as a member of the Board of the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology. I have read and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and Ethical Conduct bylaw of the Institute."
E. The members of the Board shall elect the following annually from among the members of the Board appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council:
· Board Chair
· Board Vice Chair
· Board Executive Committee
· ARM Committee; and
· Committee chairs & vice-chairs
· The ARM Committee may include one NVIT employee and one NVIT student who are currently on the Board. All members are eligible to vote except the ex-officio members.
The election for the above positions shall occur during the Board's Fall meeting and take effect immediately following the adjournment of the meeting.