B.4.4 Electronic Mail (E-Mail) / Electronic Communication Use - With Students
Approved/revised: December 22, 2021
The purpose of this policy is to establish principles, criteria, and guidelines for communicating with students using email.
This policy applies to the use of email only, not to the use of other internet communication tools, and applies to the Institute, all its employees, and its students.
1. The Institute will establish a single email address for each student.
2. When communicating with students on official Institute business using email, the Institute will use the official email address assigned by the Institute.
3. The Institute will use strategies to make the use of a student’s official email address easy and compelling.
4. Whenever possible, the Institute will encourage the use of the student’s official email address for teaching and learning purposes.
5. Institute guidelines will be established for appropriate communication with students using email. (See Section A.)
6. Institute guidelines will be established for optimal, efficient use of technical resources. (See Section B.)
7. The Institute will establish a committee to govern ongoing communication with students using email regarding exceptions, changes to policy, and addressing concerns as they arise. (See Section C.)
8. The Institute reserves the right to limit use of its email resources.
1. Guidelines for all users of student email:
Following are the guidelines for the Institute’s use when communicating with students using the Institute established student email:
a) The message needs to be short, concise and reflect accurately the content.
b) Mass emails will be discouraged unless there is a real and specific need for the entire student body to receive the specific information. Instead, messages must be targeted directly to the intended recipient(s).
c) All messages must identify the owner or sender of the message.
2. Guidelines for use by the NVIT Student Society
Following are the guidelines for the NVIT Student Society use when communicating with students using the Institute established student e-mail:
a) For official information that all students need to be aware of, such as elections, referendums, and notices of AGM.
b) As a means to inform students on important issues affecting the student body.
3. Guidelines for use by the Institute
Following are the guidelines for the Institute’s use of student email:
a) To provide important and timely information that is of specific interest to students, such as deadlines, or notification of key changes that will impact students, and other information that is determined to be of enough significance that it should be distributed to students via the student email. Such information must be targeted to its intended recipient(s);
b) To conduct Institute-initiated surveys to acquire information from the student body as a whole or from specific targeted groups;
c) For teaching and learning purposes; and
d) To communicate with alumni.
1. Lists and groups will be kept updated by the owner of the email list to ensure that messages are sent to active email addresses;
2. The Information Technology Department will create an account called Do_Not_Reply@nvit.bc.ca as the student group email account. This group will be updated and maintained by the Information Technology Department; and
3. Any account that has been inactive for twenty-four months will be deactivated.
The Student Email Accountability Committee is a standing committee that will provide accountability on ongoing communication with students using email as follows: managing exceptions, monitoring usage and ongoing communication, addressing concerns as they arise, and recommending changes to policy. The Accountability Committee will act as the steering committee for implementation and communication related to the initialization of student email.
Specific Role of the Accountability Committee
1. Make decisions related to:
a) Exceptions: power to make decisions related to exceptions based on standards that will be developed by this group;
b) Monitor usage: ongoing monitoring of usage and volume of usage;
c) Problem solving: addressing concerns as they arise; and
d) Communication: provide ongoing communication to the Institute community.
2. Make recommendations related to:
Changes to policy: make recommendations to the Leadership Team on changes to the policy
3. Membership:
The membership will be composed of:
a) Chair: Director of Information Technology;
b) One student representative designated via the Student Society;
c) Vice President, Students; and
d) One instructor to be appointed by the Vice President, Academic.
4. Operations:
a) The SEA Committee will meet at the call of the Chair; and
b) Administrative support will be provided through the office of the Vice President, Students.