B.4.3 Electronic Mail (E-Mail) / Electronic Communication Use - Employees
Approved/revised: March 23, 2021
Access to e-mail/electronic communication is provided to employees to assist them in performing their work. NVIT encourages the responsible use of electronic communication in employees’ day to day work. Their use of e-mail must not jeopardize the operation of the system or the reputation and/or integrity of the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT).
This policy applies to all NVIT employees who may access and use the NVIT information technology systems, networks, and services.
The purpose of this policy is to set forth both appropriate use and limits when using Email for Institute business or when using Institute-owned and operated computing equipment. As such, it minimizes risks to the sustained operation of Institute systems, assists in ensuring stable, effective and efficient operations, and enables appropriate communication for Institute purposes through Email.
1. This policy applies to the use of Email resources for Institute business, on or off campus, and for any use of Email on campus by any member of the community acting in the name of NVIT, or identifying her/himself as such. This policy applies to all members of the Institute including but not limited to students, employees, board members, and contractors when engaged in Institute business.
2. This policy is subject to the Criminal Code of Canada, the Copyright Act, and the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and other laws of general application.
3. Computer use is limited by license agreements governing software, documents and electronic media of all kinds and formal agreements with external providers of Information and Technology (IT) services.
1. All e-mail and associated system resources are the property of NVIT.
2. Only authorized systems will be used for Institute business and only authorized Email systems will be used at any time while on campus.
3. While e-mail is provided as a business tool to employees, reasonable incidental use for personal purposes is acceptable. This use must not, however, detrimentally affect employee productivity, disrupt the system and/or harm NVIT’s reputation.
4. While users are required to respect other users’ privacy (as per the Acceptable Computer Use Policy) the Institute reserves the right to monitor Email transactions and any Email content stored on Institute-owned and operated equipment. E-mail will be monitored should an incident of alleged inappropriate use be brought to the attention of NVIT. A detailed investigation may take place with the authorization of the President. The results of the investigation may lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
5. The Institute reserves the right to establish appropriate Email address naming conventions and to require all Institute members to comply with such standards for the purpose of all Institute business.
6. Users of NVIT e-mail must not:
· use e-mail for commercial solicitation or for conducting or pursuing their own business interests or those of another organization; · use e-mail to distribute hoaxes, chain letters, or advertisements; and/or send rude, obscene or harassing messages; · knowingly or with malice, propagate viruses or other devices to frustrate the NVIT or other e-mail systems.
7. Users of NVIT e-mail must not send, forward and/or reply to large distribution lists concerning matters that could not be considered NVIT business. Users should limit the amount of incoming email from commercial distribution lists. Email sent to the “NVIT staff” address should be limited to matters relevant to NVIT business.
8. Employee e-mail accounts will be terminated immediately, or at the discretion of the Director, Information Technology or the Chief Financial Officer, at either termination of employment with NVIT or in the event of prolonged absence.
9. Before leaving NVIT permanently or for an extended absence, employees are normally responsible for ensuring that data important to NVIT is redirected to the appropriate individual. Notwithstanding the above, NVIT maintains the right to access employees’ email at the Institution’s discretion.
10. Employees on leaves (i.e. short term disability, long term disability, or maternity) should be aware that another employee will be given access to their email to ensure that any pertinent correspondence is dealt with.
1. Responsible for the material that he or she chooses to access, send or display.
2. Responsible for respecting the legal protection provided by copyright and license to programs and data.
3. Responsible for respecting the rights of others by preserving the privacy of personal data to which you have access and by not tampering with others’ files, tapes, passwords, or accounts, or representing others when messaging or conferencing.
4. Responsible for using only account IDs and communications facilities that you are duly authorized to use and for the purposes for which they were intended.