Approved/revised: April 20, 2021
When submitting nominations to government for vacancies among Lieutenant Governor in Council appointed board members, the board will recommend individuals with the competencies and personal attributes required for effective governance of the institution and for the support of its mission and provincial Indigenous post-secondary education mandate.
The process followed must be consistent with the College and Institute Act and board bylaw 1.2 The Board, and be carried out with reference to the Appointment Guidelines published by the British Columbia Crown Agencies & Board Resourcing Office (CABRO).
1. The board will maintain a competency matrix (below) setting out the required competencies (skills and experience) and personal attributes (behavior and attitude) desired for the Board as a whole.
2. When a vacancy occurs among appointed members on the board, the Board Chair will facilitate the identification of board competency “gaps” (using the board’s competency matrix) to direct the search for new nominees.
3. As per bylaw 1.2 The Board, the filling of vacancies is structured to reflect the provincial mandate of the institution while maintaining a connection to its founding bands. To this end, NVIT’s five founding communities are provided the opportunity to fill two of the eight appointments as “founding communities” members; the remaining seats are designated Indigenous “members-at-large” with nominees able to be drawn from anywhere in British Columbia, including the Nicola Valley.
4. The Board Chair guides the recruitment process for candidates to be considered for nomination. This process will include public communication as described in #5 below, as well as seeking suggestions from current board members.
5. Vacancies among Lieutenant Governor in Council appointed members will be publicly posted by placing a notice of vacancy on NVIT’s website. Normally the notice of vacancy will also be placed on the Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office (CABRO) website. In the case of a vacancy in the two “founding communities” appointments, a letter will normally also be sent to each of the five founding communities informing them of the vacancy and inviting the submission of names for consideration by the board.
6. Anyone may recommend individuals through the Board Chair for the board’s consideration as potential nominees to government for appointment.
7. The board or its executive committee will evaluate candidates and prepare a ranked list of Indigenous nominees for submission to government. Only those candidates the board assesses against its competency matrix and subsequently selects for its ranked list of nominees will be submitted to government.
8. Consistent with CABRO's Appointment Guidelines, the board normally will not select for nomination elected officials or public servants. NVIT includes in these categories roles related to Indigenous governments, such as First Nations chiefs, elected tribal leaders, and leaders of regional, provincial, or national Indigenous political/advocacy organizations.
9. Candidates selected for nomination must complete CABRO’s Candidate Profile & Declaration.
Competency Matrix Gap or Desired Factor
A. Personal Attributes (required of all board members)
1. High ethical standards and integrity
2. Good judgment
3. Appreciation of responsibilities to the public and BC’s Indigenous population
4. Able and willing to engage in constructive dialogue on potentially controversial issues
5. Flexible, responsive, and willing to consider the opinions of others
6. Capable of a wide perspective on issues
7. Ability to listen and work as a team member
8. No direct or indirect conflict of interest with director’s responsibility to the institution
9. Strong reasoning skills
10. Able and willing to fulfill time commitment required to carry out responsibilities
11. Indigenous ancestry
12. Ability to bridge cultures, multi-cultural skills
13. Able to represent NVIT’s best interests in board processes as well as publicly
14. Open to upgrading governance skills through training (financial analysis, meetings, strategy, committee roles,…)
B. Representation Attributes
15. Gender
16. Provincial mandate/across BC (6)
17. Founding communities (2)
C. Competencies
18. Corporate leadership/management
19. Strategic organizational change and development
20. Provincial mandate perspective
21. Post-secondary education sector
22. K-12 education sector
23. Labour relations
24. Government/public sector regulatory context
25. Finance, accounting, investment management
26. Governance
27. Legal/risk
28. Technology
29. Indigenous community development
30. Indigenous community engagement and involvement