C.1.5 Satisfactory Academic Progress
Approved/revised: March 29, 2006
Satisfactory academic progress is defined as the achievement of grades which permits a student to move to the next highest level of academic studies. In a particular course a minimum satisfactory achievement is a 1.00 grade point value. However, a student is expected to maintain a minimum overall Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) of 2.00.
All students who enter NVIT, in any given program, are expected to maintain acceptable standards of academic performance.
1. Academic Probation A student registered in two or more credit courses shall be placed on academic probation when their term grade point average* (GPA) falls below 2.00. * note that GPA's for students enrolled in College Readiness courses must be calculated manually as these courses do not have credit and therefore do not calculate a GPA.
One week following the grading deadline for the term, the following steps will be taken: a) The Registrar will notify the Dean of all students who did not achieve the minimum GPA of 2.00; b) The Dean will consult with Program Heads to determine if there are unique extenuating circumstances that excuse the student from the policy and will notify the Registrar of those students (if any): c) The Dean will write to the student* indicating the Academic Probation, any required follow-up, and the consequences of not improving his/her academic standing. * Referral to an Advisor will be included in the letter. d) The Registrar will be notified, and a notation will be placed on the student record indicating the start of Academic Probation for the term just completed and the next subsequent term. For the next subsequent term: I. If the student's term GPA does improve, they will be considered as returned to satisfactory academic standing and their student record will be updated to note this; II. If the student's term GPA does not improve to above 2.00 they will be continued on Academic Probation and be notified by the Dean that they are continuing on academic probation and have one final semester to improve their term GPA prior to being required to withdraw from that program.
2. Academic Dismissal Students on Academic Probation who do not achieve a minimum 2.00 term GPA in their subsequent term will be required to withdraw from their program for a period of two calendar years.
One week following the grading deadline for the term, the following steps will be taken: a) The Registrar will notify the Dean of all students who were placed on Academic Probation in the previous two terms and did not achieve the minimum GPA of 2.00. b) The Dean will consult with Program Heads to determine if there are unique extenuating circumstances that excuse the student from the policy and will notify the Registrar of those students (if any). c) The Dean will write to the student indicating they had previously been placed on probation and did not achieve the minimum GPA in their term following that probation and that they are required to withdraw and may not re-enrol for a period of two years. d) The Registrar will be notified, and a notation will be placed on the student record indicating the Academic Dismissal.