Approved/revised: September 5, 2012
NVIT policies assist the institution in fulfilling its mission, vision, values and goals. They provide uniform guidelines and interpretation across the Institute for governance and decision making, and for regulating individual and organizational actions and conduct.
All policies will fall within one of the following three development/approval categories:
a) Board of Governors
b) Education Council
c) President
Reasonable and appropriate opportunities for feedback from those directly affected by a proposed policy will be provided in the development of new policies and when undertaking substantive amendments (as opposed to “housekeeping” updates). The nature of feedback opportunities may vary to suit the circumstances, however, an exception is that both the Board and Education Council must meet their legislated “advice” obligations under Section 23 (1) of the College and Institute Act.
Internal units may develop procedures relevant to their areas but these procedures will not be called policies and must be consistent with and support institute-level policies. In case of a conflict between a unit’s procedures and an NVIT policy the Institute policy will take priority.
The NVIT Elders Council is often requested to provide advice and guidance on NVIT policy, particularly as they relate to maintaining relationships and a positive learning environment.
NVIT policies will be maintained by the President’s office and be available exclusively through the Institute’s website. Print manuals will not be produced or distributed. Once new or amended policies have been approved, notification of their approval will be communicated electronically to those affected.