Board Governance Policies
Approved/revised: February 4, 2013
3.0 President's Role
With the exception of any roles which may be required by legislation, the President is accountable to the Board acting as a body. The Board will instruct the President through written policies, delegating implementation to the President. The President may make any reasonable interpretation of Board policy, consistent with the Board's Executive Limitations.
3.1 Delegation to the President
All Board authority delegated to staff is delegated through the President, so that all authority and accountability of staff -- as far as the Board is concerned -- is considered to be the authority and accountability of the President.
1. The Board, through Board governance policies, will direct the President to achieve certain results within Board approved annual budgets. The Board will limit the latitude the President may exercise in practices, methods, conduct and other "means" to the "ends" identified in the Ends policies, through establishment of Executive Limitations policies.
2. As long as the President uses any reasonable interpretation of the Board's Ends and Executive Limitations policies, the President is authorized to establish all further policies, make all decisions, take all actions, establish all practices and develop all activities.
3. The Board may change its Ends and Executive Limitations policies, thereby shifting the boundary between Board and President domains. By so doing, the Board changes the latitude given to the President. But so long as any particular delegation is in place, the Board and its members will respect and support the President's choices. (This does not prevent the Board from obtaining information in the delegated areas, or from giving direction to the President in any area.)
4. Only decisions of the Board acting as a body are binding upon the President.
i) Decisions or instructions of individual Board members, officers, or committees are not binding on the President except in rare instances when the Board has specifically authorized such exercise of authority.
ii) In the case of Board members or committees requesting information or assistance without Board authorizations, the President can refer to the Board such requests that require, in the President's judgement, an unreasonable amount of staff time, or funds or are disruptive.
3.2 President's Job Description
As the Board's link to the operation of NVIT, the President's performance will be considered to be synonymous with organizational performance as a whole.
Consequently, the President's job contributions can be stated as performance in three areas:
1. Accomplishing through the organization, the Board's approved Ends Policies; NVIT's mission, vision, values, strategic directions, and goals.
2. Operating within the boundaries of prudence, ethics, and scope as established in Board policies on Executive Limitations.
3. Carrying out other responsibilities pursuant to the College and Institute Act and other relevant legislation.
3.3 Monitoring Executive Performance
Monitoring executive performance is synonymous with monitoring organizational performance against Board policies on Ends and on Executive Limitations. Any evaluation of the President's performance, formal or informal, may be derived only from these monitoring data.
1. The purpose of monitoring is simply to determine the degree to which Board policies are being fulfilled. Information which does not do this will not be considered to be monitoring. Monitoring will be as automatic as possible, using a minimum of Board time so that meetings can be used to create the future rather than to review the past.
2. A given policy may be monitored in one or more of three ways:
i) Internal report - Periodic reports to the Board from the President.
ii) External report - discovery of compliance information by an independent external auditor, assessor or team who are selected by and report directly to the Board. Such reports must assess executive performance only against policies of the Board.
iii) Direct Board inspection - Discovery of compliance information by the Board as a whole or by one or more Board members acting under the Board's direction.
3. Upon the choice of the Board, any policy can be monitored by any method at any time. For regular monitoring however, each Ends and Executive Limitations policy will be classified by the Board according to frequency and method.
4. The following tables describe the regular monitoring methods and frequencies for Ends and Executive Limitations and policies.
Audited Financial Statements
Management Discussion & Analysis [financials]
Management Discussion & Analysis [FTE Report]
Institutional Accountability Plan & Report
Key Student Outcomes Indicators
As desired
As selected
Executive Limitations Policies
Board meetings
All (only where non-compliance)
Audit & Risk Management
As relevant
Budgeting/Forecasting, Investment Risk Management, Asset Protection
Provincial compensation analysis & reports
As identified by the Board
1. The Board will conduct an annual evaluation of the President/CEO based on the performance requirements established in the Board’s Ends Statements and Executive Limitations Policies, and on the “evaluation” language in the contract appointing the President/CEO.
2. The Board will primarily consider the health and performance of NVIT as a whole when assessing the performance of the President.
3. The Board must consider any reports generated under the Monitoring Executive Performance policy (3.3).
4. Routine Evaluations: Routine annual evaluations will normally be simple in nature, providing a formal opportunity for the Board to discuss the President’s performance over the preceding year with the President.
5. Reappointment Evaluations: Approximately 18-24 months before the expiration of the President’s contract the Board will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the President’s performance in preparation for a reappointment decision.
6. Procedures for evaluations will be as established from time to time by the Board, in consultation with the President, and consistent with the contract appointing the President.