A.3.3 Accreditation by NVIT
Approved/revised: November 25, 2020
Accreditation services will be made available to public, Indigenous Adult and Higher Learning Association (IAHLA) Institutes and registered private post-secondary institutions only where providing such services is consistent with our Mission and Mandate.
Accreditation will be available only for courses for which NVIT has an established equivalent course.
Following approval in principle from the Associate Vice President Academic & Community Education and the Deans, the relevant NVIT Department Head or Program Coordinator will review the proposed course and/or program outlines from the delivering institution. The course and/or program outlines should contain all the information normally required in NVIT course and/or program outlines, and clearly specify the NVIT course for which credit will be given.
In consultation regarding the course and/or program outlines with the delivering institution, the NVIT Dean(s) will be required to approve the following:
- the proposed curriculum
- the proposed delivery methodology, including the timeframe and format of the course and the planned instructional activities
- the proposed methods of student evaluation, including the grading policy (which must be consistent with NVIT’s grading approach)
- the resources available for the proposed course, including equipment, materials, facilities, library resources and student support systems
- the proposed instructor and her/his credentials (ideally the Department Head/Dean(s) should be included in the instructor selection process, at least to the level of resume review)
- the course prerequisites.
The Deans/Department Head/Program Coordinator will agree with the delivering institution on a mechanism by which the delivery standards of the course will be monitored. This will at least include a regular monitoring of assignments and exams, including the review of marked assignments and exams, and the completion and submission to NVIT of an instructor and course evaluation in a format acceptable to NVIT policies and/or practices.
For each accredited course the NVIT Registrar's Office will establish a unique course section. Registration and grading data will be provided to the Registrar's Office by the NVIT Department Head or Program Coordinator.
NVIT will issue standard transcripts and credentials for students, which will be mailed to the delivering institution.
NVIT will be responsible for registering students, determining and collecting tuition fees, hiring of the instructor(s), and all aspects of course delivery.