BC's Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute

ADCT-200 - Pharmacology & Psychoactive Chemicals - 3.00 Credits

ADCT-200 - Pharmacology & Psychoactive Chemicals - 3.00 Credits

Course Details
This course is designed to assist participants in developing an understanding of pharmacology and to increase their familiarity with the signs and symptoms of psychoactive chemical problems. Participants will gain knowledge of the effects and interactions of psychoactive chemicals that lead to dependence or addiction: physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. Participants will gain information in the area of pharmacology to assist in conducting effective assessments, counselling, treatment and referral of clients.
Part of the:
  • Available/Required in the following Programs:
  • Indigenous Holistic Wellness and Addictions Certificate - IHWA Courses
  • Course offered:
  • Spring 2025 (January - April)
  • Prerequisites : MATH 050, Foundations of Math 11 or MATH 057, and ENGL 060, or English 12, or English Studies 12, or English First Peoples 12 or equivalent or permission of instructor
    Course Outline
    Instructors Qualifications: Relevant Master's Degree.
    Office Hours: 1.5 per week.
    Contact Hours: 45
    Student Evaluation
    Assignments 30 - 50%, Final 50 - 70% TOTAL 100% Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
    Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:
  • define and explain the function of pharmacology;

  • define biopharmaceuticals and explain how they are described in terms of absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion;

  • explain how the liver changes the drugs through metabolism;

  • explain the function of the kidney as an elimination system;

  • explain the function of the biological half-life of drugs;

  • explain the function of the blood brain barrier;

  • explain the function of the human nervous system, the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system, and the autonomic nervous system;

  • define the nerve cell, the synapse and neurotransmitters, and cell receptor sites;

  • define the chemical abuse, dependence, tolerance, cross-tolerance, physiological, psychological dependence and antagonistic effects;

  • define psychoactive chemical use, abuse and dependence as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV);

  • identify all the classes of psychoactive drugs;

  • identify the effects of psychoactive drugs and how they impact the body; and

  • explain the importance of a holistic approach which would include the emotional and spiritual aspect of the individual.
  • Text and Materials: Inaba, Darryl. Cohen, E. Holstein, M. Uppers, Downers, All Arounders: Physical and Mental Effects of Psychoactive Drugs. Current edition. Atlanta, GA. CSN Productions
    Other Resources:
    Transfer Credits: For more information visit: www.bctransferguide.ca
    Other Information: The learning experience in this course will be accomplished through readings, lectures, small and large group discussions, task group exercises, assignments, and role plays. The instructional design combines didactic presentations with experienttial learning activities aimed at applying, integrating and reinforcing the concepts presented. Attitudinal issues are addressed throughout the course as the participants share information, skill build, and apply the work of the course. Cultural diversity is always an integral component of the coursework.
    Current Course Offerings:
    DaysTimeStart DateEnd Date
    M,T,W,TH,F8:00AM - 5:00PM02 Jan 202522 Jan 2025