NIWH-231 - Niwhkinic Language Place and Time: Context Through Immersion Learning - 3.00 Credits
Course Details
This course is a full immersion course. It utilizes supervised fluent speakers to engage students in full-immersion activities in Niwhkinic language use. This course will develop proficiency and fluency in contextualizing the speaker and the receiver and third persons in real world situations. The course will increase vocabulary use of simple explanatory statements, responses to questions, use of spatial indicators and appropriate pronoun designations and time differentiation related to present, past, and future contexts.
Part of the:UNIVERSITY TRANSFER Department
Available/Required in the following Programs:Niwhkinic Language Fluency Diploma Program - Diploma Completion Plan
Course Outline
Instructors Qualifications:
Office Hours:
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Student Evaluation Procedure:
Learning Outcomes:
Text and Materials:
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Transfer Credits:
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