BC's Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute

AECL-175 - Experiences in Language - 3.00 Credits

AECL-175 - Experiences in Language - 3.00 Credits

Course Details
Through the use of quality Aboriginal and Canadian Literature, Language and Literature in Early childhood Education focuses on promoting the development of language and literacy in young children. Learners develop skills in promoting language development, providing a literacy-rich environment for young children, and recognizing the role of culture and first language in language development.
Part of the:
  • Prerequisites : AECL 151, AECL 167, AECL 161, (Prerequisite courses must have a grade of C or better)
    Course Outline
    Instructors Qualifications: Relevant Master's Degree
    Office Hours: 1.5 per week
    Contact Hours: 45
    Student Evaluation
    Assignments 50-70%, Final 30-50%, Total 100%. Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
    Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:
  • Select and evaluate a range of quality Canadian and Aboriginal literature for use with young children.

  • Create effective literary experiences through the making or gathering of culturally inclusive literary resources.

  • Justify the need for quality literacy programs to develop pre-reading skills and foundations for early literacy within a mainstream and Aboriginal context.

  • Maintain a literacy rich ECE classroom environment.

  • Recognize the role and importance of culture and first language in language development.

  • Display the ability to facilitate a quality group time; including, listening skills, group behavior management, and literature that are developmentally appropriate and support Aboriginal culture.

  • Identify and address issues related to language delays/concerns in young children.

  • Discuss the importance of respecting each family's home language and using the language where appropriate and necessary.
  • Text and Materials:
  • Machado, Jeanne M. Experiences in Language Arts: Emerging Literacy. Current Edition. Delmar Learning, 2007.

  • Other Resources:
    Transfer Credits: For more information visit: www.bctransferguide.ca
    Other Information: Education Council approved October 31, 2012.