Instructors Qualifications:
Relevant Master's Degree.
Office Hours:
1.5 Per Week
Contact Hours:
Student Evaluation Procedure:
Assignments 50 - 70%, Final 30 - 50%, Total 100 %.
Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student should demonstrate knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes in the following:
Refining Writing Skills
use the processes of writing including drafting, revising and editing;
write paragraphs and essays suitable for a specific audience or purpose;
support a logical position in writing;
respond in writing (using analysis and syntheses) to meanings and values encountered in readings;
write argument and/or persuasion that supports a position; and
write a formal research paper that incorporates various resources and adheres to appropriate MLA standards of format and documentation.
Refining Reading Skills
read a variety of works ranging from student to published works;
recognize the author’s purpose and follow the author’s line of argument;
formulate generalizations about key concepts in reading, such as underlying themes, motivation and intent;
recognize patterns in readings, such as comparison/contrast and cause and effect;
differentiate between primary and secondary resource material;and
answer questions verbally and in writing to indicate comprehension of selected works.
Refining Research Skills
use the various services of NVIT’s library and Internet resources;
find and use a variety of sources to support the student’s purpose in both expository and persuasive writing; and
paraphrase, synthesize and summarize source information.
Building Critical Thinking Skills
recognize and use inductive and deductive reasoning;
draw defensible conclusions from information found in various sources;
comprehend, develop and use concepts and generalizations; and
distinguish between fact, inference and opinion.
Text and Materials:
To be determined by Instructor based upon the Learning Outcomes and Assignment Parameters listed above.
Texts might include:
Penny Petrone’s First People: First Voices.
Derek Soles’ Lessons in Essay Writing.
Other Resources:
Transfer Credits:
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Other Information: