BC's Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute

RNET-210 - Energy Efficiency and Sustainability - 4.00 Credits

RNET-210 - Energy Efficiency and Sustainability - 4.00 Credits

Course Details
This course represents a survey of specialized Alternative Energy technologies; Biomass, Thermal Solar, Fuel Cell Technology, Small Hydroelectric, Geothermal and Ocean based energy. Students will learn about a variety of present and possible future alternative renewable energy sources, how these technologies work and how they can be used. Students will examine in depth the principles and practices of solid, liquid and gaseous biofuel production and usage for heating, power generation and transportation. The opportunities and challenges of biofuels will be discussed in regards to environmental impacts, quality, cost, and performance issues. Energy Conservation will give the students a background on Energy and its use in modern day society. It will include discussion on the basic principles and facts of Energy, how we measure energy, the history and future of Energy and how we can best meet our Energy needs in the most efficient and sustainable manner. Students will learn why energy conservation is the first line of defense in developing a renewable energy strategy and how it drives the present move to green construction. The course will provide an introduction to energy evaluation principles and techniques, used in Canada and the U.S. Students will also explore the environmental and economic issues inherent within the Wind and Photovoltaic industries from a global perspective including an analysis of the future of both sectors. Upon completion students will be in a position to assess the energy performance of new and existing buildings and recommend ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness of systems related to energy use in order to improve cost factors and reduce the production of greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change and harm the environment. Students will also be introduced to concepts related to Project Management through a group project related to Renewable Energy involving the research, presentation and implementation of an Alternative Energy project.
Part of the:
  • Course Outline
    Instructors Qualifications:
    Office Hours:
    Contact Hours: 64
    Student Evaluation
    Learning Outcomes:
    Text and Materials:
    Other Resources:
    Transfer Credits:
    Other Information: