CRIM-230 - Criminal Law - 3.00 Credits
Course Details
This course reviews the nature, scope and basic principles of criminal law in Canada. Students will study fundamental legal concepts such as mens rea, negligence and strict liability. The course will analyze the concept of criminal responsibility in Canada and it will critically examine the legislative policies expressed in the Criminal Code. In addition to the exploration of the basic elements of a criminal offence this course will review criminal law as it pertains to and affects Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal populations including the examination of legal principles as they relate to specific Aboriginal crimes and major defences. This course will also review the impact of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Indian Act on criminal law.
Part of the:UNIVERSITY TRANSFER Department
Available/Required in the following Programs:Associate of Arts Degree- Criminology - Year 2Aboriginal Leadership in the Justice System Diploma - Diploma Completion PlanCommunity and Public Safety Professional Diploma - Diploma Completion Plan
Prerequisites : CRIM 135,
Course Outline
Instructors Qualifications:
Relevant Master's Degree.
Office Hours:
1.5 per week
Contact Hours:
Student Evaluation Procedure:
Assignments 50 - 70%, Final 30 - 50%, Total 100 %.
Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will develop an understanding of the basic principles of Canadian criminal law and how it applies to both Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal peoples. Students will be able to approach policies underlying the criminal law in a critical manner. It is the goal of this course to instil an awareness of the historical roots of the criminal law, its development and impact on First Nations communities and to train students to apply basic legal principles to concrete factual situations.
Collaborative learning promotes active participation and responsibility from both students and the Instructor. Students are expected to study readings closely, complete assignments in a timely manner and engage in class activities. Students will cultivate skills related to reflective and critical thought, such as evaluation of complex issues, and creation of connections between theory and practice. Students are encouraged to clarify their positions, ask each other questions, draw on personal experiences and interests, and engage in peer feedback while respecting the position of others and respecting the process of dialogue.
Students will review skills on how to write well-constructed essays and research papers such as revision, use of quotations, paraphrasing, summarization, writing introductions and conclusions, development of the main body and thesis statement, works cited and research techniques.
Students will review skills on how to use the Internet as a research tool, and will be exposed to different uses of technology in the classroom (power point, audio/visual presentations, guest speakers).
Text and Materials:
Pocket Criminal Code of Canada; Toronto: Carswell Legal Publications, 2004.
Verdun-Jones, S.N., Criminal Law in Canada: Cases, Questions & the Code, 3rd Edition. Toronto: Harcourt Canada, 2002.
Verdun-Jones, S.N. Canadian Criminal Cases: Selected Highlights. Toronto: Harcourt Brace & Company, Canada, 1999.
Alex Denny Kjikeptin et al., Elusive Justice: Beyond the Marshall Inquiry, Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 1992.
Other Resources:
Transfer Credits:
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