BC's Indigenous Public Post-Secondary Institute

IECE-136 - Connectedness to Culture and Community - 3.00 Credits

IECE-136 - Connectedness to Culture and Community - 3.00 Credits

Course Details
IECE 136 introduces students to concepts involving place-based learning and education specific to the local community and environment. The intention of this course is to use place and space in early years practice as a method to strengthen identity through recognizing the interconnected relationships between land, culture, and community uniqueness. Cultural practices are central to this course as students immerse themselves in local traditions to enrich their early years practice and promote stewardship and engagement.
Part of the:
  • Available/Required in the following Programs:
  • Indigenous Early Childhood Education Certificate - Certificate Completion Plan
  • Course Outline
    Instructors Qualifications:
    Office Hours:
    Contact Hours: 45
    Student Evaluation
    Learning Outcomes:
    Text and Materials:
    Other Resources:
    Transfer Credits:
    Other Information: