Department ChairElaine Herbert, MSW, RSW |
FacultyJoanne Armstrong Lou Demaeyer Jennifer Dustin Aruna Gore Elaine Herbert Mari Otomo Michelle Reid Jeffrey Walsh
Why Social Work?
The NVIT Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) emphasizes the knowledge and skills relevant to both Aboriginal and mainstream individuals, families, and communities. The school is committed to the principles of social justice and community healing and change. Students will increase knowledge and skills based on an Aboriginal perspective and contemporary social work practice. Elders are a valued part of our program. Through classroom experience and critical analysis, students are encouraged to design an ethical social work framework valuing diversity, equality, respect and the dignity and worth of all persons.
The NVIT BSW degree program is the only Aboriginal-centered BSW program in British Columbia. Graduates of the program will have greater knowledge, skills and abilities to practice social work with diverse populations.
The BSW program is fully accredited by the Canadian Association for Social Work Education
Application Package
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