RNET-271 - Applied Photovoltaic Techniques - 1.50 Credits
Course Details
In this course students will become familiar with popular roof styles and the mitigation of roofing systems after penetration by Photovoltaic mounting hardware. A review of safety practices for installers and Electrical Code applications along with the attributes of various mounting systems for PV arrays and how they affect roofs will also be covered. Students will have the opportunity to actually install a PV system utilizing correct mounting components for the system application. Students will be able to undertake all aspects of the activities associated with photovoltaic system maintenance and troubleshooting. Also included will be the applications of solar systems, the market for solar energy including efficiency, costs, and conservation.
Available/Required in the following Programs:Renewable Energies Technology Diploma Program - Diploma Completion Plan
Prerequisites : RNET Program Admission Corequisites : RNET-270 , RNET Program Admission
Course Outline
Instructors Qualifications:
Relevant Master’s Degree and at least 5 years relevant experience
Office Hours:
1.5 per week
Contact Hours:
Student Evaluation Procedure:
Assignments 50-70%, Final 30-50%, Total 100%. Grading procedures follow NVIT policy.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course students should be able to:
- apply the vocational learning outcomes associated with the theory course that work in tandem with this course. (RNET 270 Photovoltaic Systems);
- work safely with photovoltaic panels and the power they output by adherence to all RET lab safety regulations related to PV panels and associated components; perform a job safety analysis (JSA) and deploy safety systems as needed;
- identify and use the tools and equipment required for conducting site surveys for PV installations;
- acquire and interpret site solar irradiance and temperature data to establish performance expectations and use in electrical system calculations;
- perform power and energy calculations; perform a load analysis for off-grid and non-battery backup grid-tied systems;
- identify, select, and sketch a suitable location for PV array installation, including proper orientation, sufficient area, adequate solar access, and structural integrity; select suitable locations for installing inverters, control(s), batteries, and other PV system components;
- select the appropriate conductor types and sizes for each portion of the electrical circuits that make up a PV system;
- determine the appropriate size, rating, and location for bonding, grounding, and surge suppression in a PV system; and
- install and commission a system, use system drawings and manufacturers instructions; plan the installation inventory the project materials and tools needed for the job; label, and terminate electrical wiring and devices in accordance with local electrical codes. Activate and test the system to verify overall system operation.
Text and Materials:
Other Resources:
Transfer Credits:
For more information visit: www.bctransferguide.ca
Other Information: